coL.Acad Sasquatch to coL House; “My dream is to get on to compLexity’s main team”

BY Andrew Miesner / July 11, 2012

Today, Gage “Sasquatch” Dubose from the compLexity Academy will be moving into compLexity’s Gamma Gamer House in Houston, TX. With this move, Sasquatch becomes the first non-rostered compLexity player to reside in the house.

Earlier this week we at compLexity were able to sit down with Sasquatch, one of the compLexity Academy’s most promising players. Talking about his recent MLG/WCS US Nationals run, his seeding into the MLG Summer Arena, and his upcoming move to compLexity’s Gamma Gamer House, Sasquatch lets us know why he is a player you should be keeping an eye on.

Getting right into things, you’ll be moving into the new compLexity Gamma Gamer House soon. How does it feel to be the first Academy member to move into the Gamma Gamer House? Do you feel like there will be any extra pressure to preform well once you move into the house?  How long do you plan on staying there and what are your goals for the Gamma Gamer House? Also, what are you looking forward to most about moving into the Gamma Gamers House?

I’m really honored that I was chosen to go to the house first, outside of stuff like summer camp/vacations (although this almost does feel like that to me) I’ve never been away from home!  I should be staying there up until MLG Raleigh, with a small trip to NYC in between to take part in MLGs Summer Arena. I feel little to no pressure because this is the first time I’ve been able dedicate most of my time in a day to StarCraft, other players have had a head start :), but I do want to prove to the team and to everyone else that I can have a return on any investments made upon me. My main goal there is obviously practice, I plan to play as much as most Koreans do, I remember Dongraegu specifically saying 30 games a day was what he played, so I need to play more then that to catch up. I think I’m most looking forward to being somewhere where my only objective is literally to play as much of a videogame as I can, I never thought I would be in a position like that :D.

Moving across the country to live in a progaming house seems like a dream for anyone interested in eSports. That said, I’m sure it’s not all sunshine and smiles. What are some sacrifices you’ll have to make in order to move into the Gamma Gamers House? 

At this point I don’t think I’m really sacrificing anything. My dream is to get on to compLexity’s main team and I need to plunge in head first with no doubts in my mind if I’m going to have that happen.

Moving on from the Gamma Gamers House, you recently made you first appearance at a major LAN when you competed in the MLG Spring Championships and WCS US Nationals. You were able to take out some pretty notable players like Machine, Yata, and Haypro. How do you feel about your performance at the tournament? Are you satisfied with your results? What were your goals going into the tournament?

I was happy with that result in particular because I really didn’t have much practice before the event and did a lot better than I expected, it was the furthest I’ve gotten in a major tournament and I actually lost to my good friend and practice partner Suppy in both WCS and MLG, who I think is one of the nicest guys in eSports and deserves all the attention he gets.

Speaking of MLG, you recently qualified for the MLG Summer Arena. What was the process to qualify for this tournament? Did you run into any big names while qualifying?

I really didn’t expect to qualify for MLG Summer Arena, I got a bye versus sleep and then beat coLTrimaster and BinskiLight both 2-0 to qualify, It’s definitely my biggest result so far and while I only have limited time left to prepare, a week of it is going to be spent in the house so hopefully that will help.

The MLG Summer Arena is the kind of tournament that can define a player’s career. If you do well there, chances are a lot of doors will open for you. What are your goals for the Arena? What kind of results would you be satisfied with? How do you plan to achieve these results?

I have lowest seeding in the arena and it’s obviously one of the most if not the most stacked tournament outside of the GSL. That being said I’ll be disappointed if I don’t beat a couple people before getting knocked out, I’d be extremely satisfied if I got seeded into the championship bracket for Raleigh. I’m just going to practice as hard as I can for these next two weeks and hope for the best.

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Before we end do you have any shutouts you’d like to give?

Shoutouts to all the Team Liquid New York people who I always talk to in between games, BlitzDotA,  all my practice partners (Boyo, Suppy, Sandbox, Fitzyhere, AGIANTSMURF, Yata, Maker, Scarlett, and everyone else), r/starcraft for being my favorite sc2 website, all my friends from Back2Back Gaming, and of course to compLexity and their sponsors for giving me this opportunity!

Again, we at compLexity want to thank Sasquatch for taking the time out of his busy practice schedule to talk with us. To keep up with Sasquatch, you can follow him on Twitter and watch his stream.